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2 & 3 year old

program & curriculum




Our program for 2-3 year olds addresses the social, emotional, physical and intellectual needs of each child. We use discovery, hands-on exploration and social interaction to help your child learn about his or her expanding world. We offer a safe, loving, fun and developmentally appropriate environment that empowers children to be successful, independent, confident, and lifelong learners.


Our teachers develop and value a relationship with the whole family. By getting to know each child and their family in a unique way, teachers are better equipped to meet each child’s individual needs.




Our goal is to provide a safe, engaging environment where children can create positive relationships and have a healthy, creative and fun learning experience.


Learn. Discover. Grow.


Our mission is to offer an environment which encourages intellectual, social and physical development, while providing children a very safe and supportive environment in which to learn, discover and grow. Our goal is to nurture students’ natural love of learning (through art, constructive play, exploration, music, outdoor play), and encourage them to be confident, responsible and kind individuals.


Language, Literacy & Cognitive Development


Our curriculum is designed to foster a love of learning that children can use as they transition to elementary school. Our goal is to create and solidify the important building blocks necessary to succeed in school and in life.


Each classroom provides a series of “learning centers” that are designed to not only instill positive approaches to learning (e.g., curiosity, focus, information-seeking, initiative, risk-taking, flexibility, effort, imagination, invention, resilience, etc.) but also develop social/emotional skills.

Such learning centers in each classroom include:


  • Block & Building Center

  • Science & Nature Center

  • Library Center

  • Art Center (teacher-led activities such as painting, drawing, cutting & gluing as well as independent use of art materials)

  • Dramatic Play Center

  • Music and Movement Center

  • Garden Center


Through these “centers”, our 3 year old students are exposed to letters, numbers, the concept of counting, sequencing, shapes, patterns, sorting, pre-reading, and pre-writing activities. For instance:


Counting/Sorting/Sequencing: We have age-appropriate items and tools in the classroom that are specifically designed to foster an understanding of numbers, counting, sorting, patterning and sequencing.


Circle Time: A primary focus of circle time is to not only develop language and literacy skills through reading aloud, but also to learn to be able to 1. Sit without distracting others but while 2. Still participating in important learning experiences, such as interacting with others, sharing, reading comprehension and predicting the outcomes or emotions associated with a story.




A primary focus is on teaching and reinforcing basic and important social skills, such as taking turns, sharing, learning to cooperate in a group setting, resolving conflicts, expressing empathy and being a good friend. We support children’s emotional development with activities that build confidence in their growing abilities, promoting self-esteem and independence. We also encourage curiosity and give children the opportunity to think for themselves and discover their own solutions.


A primary goal is to help your child develop independence, problem-solving and self-help skills. For instance . . .

  • Your child will be encouraged to walk to class on their own (not carried), and drop off their lunch in their own cubby.

  • At the end of the day, children will be encouraged to pack up their own items (lunch box, jacket, etc.).

  • They will also be encouraged to put on their own jacket (and zip it up themselves) and pull up and/or button/zip their own pants.


Physical Development


Children are encouraged to be children!

For gross motor skill development, we offer an array of well-designed, age-appropriate and safe sensory tables, play structures and equipment. Our play yard offers climbing structures, slides, swings, a lawn area, a large sandbox, tricycles, balls, and sand toys. Children spend time outdoors every day (weather permitting) where they can develop gross motor skills, such as:


  • Running

  • Jumping

  • Swinging

  • Throwing

  • Catching

  • Climbing

  • Dancing


To aid in fine motor skill development, the “learning centers” offer age-appropriate tools, manipulatives and activities designed to also assist with fine motor skill development which is so important at this age.


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2001 Center Road, Novato, CA  94947

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